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What Are Strict Liability Claims?

Valdes March 12, 2023

If you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, whether that be another individual or a manufacturing company, a New Jersey strict liability attorney will be able to defend your case and get you the justice you deserve. In New Jersey, the law will make individuals compensate the victim for damages even if it wasn’t their fault. Therefore, there is no requirement that an injured person must prove negligence.

Strict Liability in Personal Injury

Strict liability imposes legal responsibility for injuries even if the individual that was strictly liable did not intentionally act with negligence. There are a few ways that strict liability is shown, including:

  • Animal bites

  • Manufacturing defects

  • Abnormally dangerous activities

Strict Liability & Animal Bites

Since New Jersey has a strict liability law, this makes the dog owner liable in a civil lawsuit if their pet bites another individual. This only applies if the individual who was bit while on their public property or was invited over when the incident occurred. Whether or not the owner knew if the dog was vicious or not, doesn’t matter. If the individual was bitten, the owner will most likely have to pay damages for their injuries.

Product Liability & Strict Liability

When it comes to defective products that result in an injury, there are a few different types of liability lawsuits. They include:

  • Design defects

  • Manufacturing defects

  • Marketing/ warning defects

Manufacturers have a responsibility to New Jersey consumers to provide safe products that will not result in harm or injury. If an injury happens to occur, product liability laws are able to give consumers recovered damages from the manufacturer or seller.

Damages Received

Most of the time, the person who was injured will seek compensatory damages for their injuries or losses. This can include economic damages such as medical costs and lost wages, as well as non-economic damages such as pain and suffering. New Jersey also allows for punitive damages, which can give additional punishment under certain circumstances if the individual was acting intentionally.

Marketing/ Warning Defects & Strict Liability

When there is a lack of warning on a product, leading to injuries or harm, the consumer is able to bring a strict liability claim against the manufacturer or seller of the product. Manufacturers have an obligation to provide warnings for specific reasons and have a responsibility to provide truthful information for their products. If they have warning or marketing defects that lead to injury, you could be entitled to compensation.

Contact Our New Jersey Strict Liability Lawyers Today

If you have been injured from a dog bite, product, or lack of warning signs, contact our New Jersey strict liability lawyers today. We have years of experience defending our clients and getting them the justice they deserve. Our attorneys at Gold, Albanese, Barletti, & Locascio are dedicated to your case and will work tirelessly to get you compensated.

Contact Gold, Albanese & Barletti, LLC

Whether you’ve been injured at work, in an automobile accident, or due to medical malpractice – you deserve justice and fair compensation for your injuries. Since 1997, the personal injury attorneys of Gold, Albanese & Barletti have established a legacy of justice for our clients. We will work tirelessly on your behalf to get maximum compensation for your injuries. There are no upfront legal fees and we don’t get paid unless you win your case.

Our firm is licensed and admitted to municipal, state, federal and appellate courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court. Since 1997, we have helped thousands of clients and established a track record of success across a wide array of legal practice areas.